Kirra Surf Life Saving Club
Home of the Australian Open IRB Championship Winners - 2024
15 Marine Pde, Kirra Qld 4225
Restaurant Bookings: 07 5599 5086
Lifesaving & Nippers: 07 5599 3524
Lifesaving Office Hours:
Tue, Wed & Thur 7.30am - 3:30pm
Sports - Lifesaving Events
The development of skills that assist members while performing patrolling duties is an important part of competition. SLSA runs competitions that highlight the skills involved in rescue, resuscitation and first aid.
Champion Lifesaver
This event gives individual SLSA members the opportunity to compete using the physical, lifesaving and knowledge skills required of a lifesaver. Credit is given for life saving awards held. This is determined on a point score system with a total maximum 130 points. The four sections of the Champion Lifesaver event are:
ComÂpetition Events
Rules, points allocation and procedure for the conduct of the Champion Lifesaver event are outlined in the SLSA Surf Sports Manual.
First Aid Competition
The First Aid CompeÂtiÂtion is a team event designed to demonÂstrate a high stanÂdard of First Aid proficiency by SLSA memÂbers. The comÂpeÂtiÂtion is held with a simuÂlated acciÂdent sceÂnario and a set time limit for each team of two. All teams receive the same sceÂnario, where every effort is made to achieve realÂism with the sceÂnario and in the preÂsenÂtaÂtion of casuÂalÂties, givÂing the comÂpetiÂtors the corÂrect atmosÂphere by using casuÂalty make-up, actÂing and staging.
JudgÂing is done on markÂing sheets for each of the seven secÂtions of the scenario:
Approach to casualty
ExamÂiÂnaÂtion of casuÂalty and diagÂnoÂsis of injuries
SpeÂcific points for all treatments
DisÂposal of casualty
ManÂageÂment of the incident
First Aid kits
Judge’s disÂcreÂtion
The rules, points alloÂcaÂtion and proÂceÂdure for the ChamÂpion LifeÂsaver event are outÂlined in the SLSA Surf Sports Manual.
Patrol ComÂpeÂtiÂtion
The SLSA Patrol ComÂpeÂtiÂtion demonÂstrates the lifeÂsavers' team work when performÂing some or all of the surf resÂcue patrol skills. Team memÂbers in the Patrol ComÂpeÂtiÂtion must be memÂbers of the same club but not necÂesÂsarÂily from the same patrol.
The Patrol ComÂpeÂtiÂtion includes a numÂber of physÂiÂcal skills, pracÂtiÂcal and theÂory tasks involvÂing racÂing, resÂcue, and/or first aid situations.
SLSA Patrol ComÂpeÂtiÂtion is divided into 4 sections:
PhysÂiÂcal skills
Task (sceÂnario)
The team with the greatÂest comÂbined aggreÂgate score from all secÂtions is the winner.
Each team conÂsists of six (6) comÂpetiÂtors who are all proÂfiÂcient holdÂers of the Bronze MedalÂlion and Advanced ResusÂciÂtaÂtion CerÂtifiÂcate. At least one needs to have his/her IRB DriÂver CerÂtifiÂcate, with one other also being either a proÂfiÂcient IRB DriÂver or IRB Crewman.
The rules, point’s alloÂcaÂtion and proÂceÂdure for the ChamÂpion LifeÂsaver event are outÂlined in the SLSA Surf Sports Manual.
ResÂcue & Resuscitation
The ResÂcue & ResusÂciÂtaÂtion (R&R) comÂpeÂtiÂtion is where SLSA memÂbers compete to demonÂstrate ResÂcue and ResusÂciÂtaÂtion methods.
The rules and regÂuÂlaÂtions of the R&R event are in the ResÂcue & ResusÂciÂtaÂtion ComÂpeÂtiÂtion ManÂual and bulÂletins issued by SLSA.