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Sports - Lifesaving Events

The development of skills that assist members while performing patrolling duties is an important part of competition. SLSA runs competitions that highlight the skills involved in rescue, resuscitation and first aid.



Champion Lifesaver
This event gives individual SLSA members the opportunity to compete using the physical, lifesaving and knowledge skills required of a lifesaver. Credit is given for life saving awards held. This is determined on a point score system with a total maximum 130 points. The four sections of the Champion Lifesaver event are:
Com­petition Events


Rules, points allocation and procedure for the conduct of the Champion Lifesaver event are outlined in the SLSA Surf Sports Manual.



First Aid Competition
The First Aid Compe­ti­tion is a team event designed to demon­strate a high stan­dard of First Aid proficiency by SLSA mem­bers. The com­pe­ti­tion is held with a simu­lated acci­dent sce­nario and a set time limit for each team of two. All teams receive the same sce­nario, where every effort is made to achieve real­ism with the sce­nario and in the pre­sen­ta­tion of casu­al­ties, giv­ing the com­peti­tors the cor­rect atmos­phere by using casu­alty make-up, act­ing and staging.
Judg­ing is done on mark­ing sheets for each of the seven sec­tions of the scenario:


  1. Approach to casualty

  2. Exam­i­na­tion of casu­alty and diag­no­sis of injuries

  3. Spe­cific points for all treatments

  4. Dis­posal of casualty

  5. Man­age­ment of the incident

  6. First Aid kits

  7. Judge’s dis­cre­tion


The rules, points allo­ca­tion and pro­ce­dure for the Cham­pion Life­saver event are out­lined in the SLSA Surf Sports Manual.



Patrol Com­pe­ti­tion
The SLSA Patrol Com­pe­ti­tion demon­strates the life­savers' team work when perform­ing some or all of the surf res­cue patrol skills. Team mem­bers in the Patrol Com­pe­ti­tion must be mem­bers of the same club but not nec­es­sar­ily from the same patrol.
The Patrol Com­pe­ti­tion includes a num­ber of phys­i­cal skills, prac­ti­cal and the­ory tasks involv­ing rac­ing, res­cue, and/or first aid situations.
SLSA Patrol Com­pe­ti­tion is divided into 4 sections:


  • Phys­i­cal skills

  • The­ory

  • Resus­ci­ta­tion

  • Task (sce­nario)


The team with the great­est com­bined aggre­gate score from all sec­tions is the winner.
Each team con­sists of six (6) com­peti­tors who are all pro­fi­cient hold­ers of the Bronze Medal­lion and Advanced Resus­ci­ta­tion Cer­tifi­cate. At least one needs to have his/her IRB Dri­ver Cer­tifi­cate, with one other also being either a pro­fi­cient IRB Dri­ver or IRB Crewman.
The rules, point’s allo­ca­tion and pro­ce­dure for the Cham­pion Life­saver event are out­lined in the SLSA Surf Sports Manual.



Res­cue & Resuscitation
The Res­cue & Resus­ci­ta­tion (R&R) com­pe­ti­tion is where SLSA mem­bers compete to demon­strate Res­cue and Resus­ci­ta­tion methods.
The rules and reg­u­la­tions of the R&R event are in the Res­cue & Resus­ci­ta­tion Com­pe­ti­tion Man­ual and bul­letins issued by SLSA.





Aussies Pool 2022
1st Place 2022 Australian Pool Rescue Championships
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