Kirra Surf Life Saving Club
Home of the Australian Open IRB Championship Winners - 2024
15 Marine Pde, Kirra Qld 4225
Restaurant Bookings: 07 5599 5086
Lifesaving & Nippers: 07 5599 3524
Lifesaving Office Hours:
Tue, Wed & Thur 7.30am - 3:30pm
Sports - Beach
Beach Sprints
Sprints is an individual event where competitors sprint in lanes marked on flat, soft sand towards the finish line. The track is 70 metres for U8 – U14 and Masters and 90 metres for U15 – Open age.
Beach Relay
Beach Relay teams of four run with a rubber hose as a baton. The baton is passed from member to member. The race is run on the same length course as the beach sprint, with the first team home with the baton the winner.
Beach Flags
Flags competitors lie face down in the sand and on the whistle jump to their feet, turn and sprint before diving for a rubber baton (the ‘flag’) in the sand. There is one flag less the number of competitors so one person is eliminated each round, and the last perÂson is the winner. The track length is 15m for U8-U14 and Masters, and 20m for U15-Open.
March Past
March Past is one of Surf Life Saving’s origÂiÂnal events and repÂreÂsents the traÂdiÂtional disÂciÂpline of a surf lifeÂsaver. Teams march in time to music around a set course carÂryÂing a surf reel, line and belt and folÂlowÂing their stanÂdard (flag) bearer. Teams march in forÂmaÂtion folÂlowÂing comÂmands and are judged on timÂing, arm and leg swing, space and dressÂing, body carÂriage and presentation.