Kirra Surf Life Saving Club
Home of the Australian Open IRB Championship Winners - 2024
15 Marine Pde, Kirra Qld 4225
Restaurant Bookings: 07 5599 5086
Lifesaving & Nippers: 07 5599 3524
Lifesaving Office Hours:
Tue, Wed & Thur 7.30am - 3:30pm
Lifesaving - Bronze Medallion
The Bronze course is usuÂally run over a period of 8–10 weeks, involvÂing both theÂory and pracÂtiÂcal sesÂsions. The final assessÂment may take place in conÂjuncÂtion with other surf clubs.
CanÂdiÂdates must be a finanÂcial memÂber for the curÂrent season
CanÂdiÂdates must be a minÂiÂmum of 15 years old prior to the course commencement
Have comÂpleted a 400 metre swim in nine (9) minÂutes or less prior to comÂmenceÂment of course (signed and observed by an authoÂrised club perÂson). This can be done in a swimÂming pool of not less than 25 metres, or over a meaÂsured open water course.
The folÂlowÂing Units of ComÂpeÂtency will be assessed and issued as the CerÂtifiÂcate II in PubÂlic Safety (Aquatic ResÂcue) qualification:
FolÂlow defined OH&S poliÂcies and procedures
Apply surf awareness
ProÂvide emerÂgency care
ComÂmuÂniÂcate in the workplace
OperÂate comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtion sysÂtems & equipment
ParÂticÂiÂpate in an aquatic resÂcue operation
Work effecÂtively in a pubÂlic safety organisation
Work in a team
DurÂing the Final AssessÂment, you will be required to demonÂstrate the following:
200m Run — 200m Swim — 200 Run in under eight (8) minutes
DemonÂstrate Radio Operations
DemonÂstrate Basic First Aid
DemonÂstrate 10 Signals
DemonÂstrate Lifts & Carries
DemonÂstrate Board and Tube Rescues
DemonÂstrate Spinal Management
DemonÂstrate ResusÂciÂtaÂtion & Defibrillation
MemÂbers are required to re-qualÂify this award annuÂally. Re-qualÂiÂfiÂcaÂtions take around 2–3 hours to comÂplete and are conÂducted at the club.