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Kirra Surf Life Sav­ing Club pro­vides a water safety and res­cue ser­vice to the pub­lic.  This club has been servicing the community since 1916, over 100 years, with vol­un­teer life­savers patrolling our beach. Our role is to pre­vent peo­ple from get­ting into dan­ger­ous sit­u­a­tions and to res­cue peo­ple in dan­ger of drowning.


Kirra lifesavers donate their time to learn the skills and theory to be qualified to patrol our beach as well as represent the club in competition at local, state and national levels.


Be Safe at the Beach

While safety at the beach is the name of the game, you can brush up on your beach & surf education here at Beach Safe.



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