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Lifesaving - ART

Advanced Resus­ci­ta­tion Tech­niques Certificate


The aim of the Advanced Resus­ci­ta­tion Tech­niques Certi­fi­cate course is to develop your skills and knowl­edge to use oxy­gen, air­way man­age­ment devices, and auto­mated exter­nal defib­ril­la­tors dur­ing resus­ci­ta­tion, as well as admin­is­ter oxy­gen to casu­al­ties. You will develop knowl­edge and skills to enable you to demon­strate com­pe­tence in the nation­ally recog­nised unit:

  • Apply advanced resus­ci­ta­tion techniques



  • Can­di­dates must be a finan­cial mem­ber for the cur­rent season

  • Can­di­dates must be a min­i­mum of 15 years old on the date of assessment


By the end of this course you can:

  • assess the casu­alty and develop a man­age­ment plan

  • check defib­ril­la­tion equipment

  • attach and oper­ate a defibrillator

  • recover and restore defib­ril­la­tion equipment

  • check resus­ci­ta­tion equipment

  • resus­ci­tate a casu­alty using oxygen

  • use oxy­gen to pro­vide therapy

  • recover and restore oxy­gen equipment

  • main­tain an air­way by:— using oropha­ryn­geal air­ways (OP air­ways)— using suction


You will be assessed for com­pe­tence in the fol­low­ing ways:

  • com­ple­tion of the ART workbook

  • prac­ti­cal scenarios

  • the­ory paper



Mem­bers are required to re-qual­ify for this award annu­ally. 



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