Kirra Surf Life Saving Club
Home of the Australian Open IRB Championship Winners - 2024
15 Marine Pde, Kirra Qld 4225
Restaurant Bookings: 07 5599 5086
Lifesaving & Nippers: 07 5599 3524
Lifesaving Office Hours:
Tue, Wed & Thur 7.30am - 3:30pm
Lifesaving - ART
Advanced ResusÂciÂtaÂtion TechÂniques Certificate
The aim of the Advanced ResusÂciÂtaÂtion TechÂniques CertiÂfiÂcate course is to develop your skills and knowlÂedge to use oxyÂgen, airÂway manÂageÂment devices, and autoÂmated exterÂnal defibÂrilÂlaÂtors durÂing resusÂciÂtaÂtion, as well as adminÂisÂter oxyÂgen to casuÂalÂties. You will develop knowlÂedge and skills to enable you to demonÂstrate comÂpeÂtence in the nationÂally recogÂnised unit:
Apply advanced resusÂciÂtaÂtion techniques
CanÂdiÂdates must be a finanÂcial memÂber for the curÂrent season
CanÂdiÂdates must be a minÂiÂmum of 15 years old on the date of assessment
By the end of this course you can:
assess the casuÂalty and develop a manÂageÂment plan
check defibÂrilÂlaÂtion equipment
attach and operÂate a defibrillator
recover and restore defibÂrilÂlaÂtion equipment
check resusÂciÂtaÂtion equipment
resusÂciÂtate a casuÂalty using oxygen
use oxyÂgen to proÂvide therapy
recover and restore oxyÂgen equipment
mainÂtain an airÂway by:— using orophaÂrynÂgeal airÂways (OP airÂways)— using suction
You will be assessed for comÂpeÂtence in the folÂlowÂing ways:
comÂpleÂtion of the ART workbook
pracÂtiÂcal scenarios
theÂory paper
MemÂbers are required to re-qualÂify for this award annuÂally.